According To Clients

I liked that he wasn’t pushy. Even after we agreed to meet he didn’t ask me for my number until after the date so we could keep chatting. He didn’t try to kiss me or be overly physical.
I liked that he didn’t seem to be trying to impress me (you know how some guys will try to tell you how much money they make, etc) he was just telling me who he was and talking about his life experiences.
I liked that he opened up about his family. And overall I liked that it felt comfortable.
Karen- Program Administrator
Henvie is more like a therapist with understanding of how dating works. She makes you feel in control and guides you to the next step. After her program I met a girl. The price was worth every penny!
Brandon- Producer

My experience was great! Henvie found a match that was exactly my type, and she was professional as well. Me and the guy talk almost every day. I would recommend her service to anyone looking for something serious, especially women looking for men who are looking for a relationship.perspective on things is so clear and she’s so knowledgable.
Ines- Business Owner
Henvie is a dating expert. She introduced me to beautiful matches and was a listening ear all through out.
Jacob- Engineer